Scholarship Introduction
Chinese Cultural Scholarship is an award for individuals with significant involvement and achievement in promoting Chinese culture in the United States.
It includes up to a $2000 award in total (up to $500 for one applicant), accompanying the honor of contributing to communication between two countries.
中国文化奖学金旨在表彰在美国传播中国文化中作出了重要参与及杰出贡献的个人。赞助人为B家的多位赞助商及优秀校友. 奖学金总金额高达$2000(一个申请单位最高可获得 $500), 一至五位个人或团体将从中收益。今年是我们BCSSA中国文化奖学金所设立的第一年, 经过我们的精心策划和推广, 相信这份充满朝气而别出心裁的奖学金能鼓励到更多热爱中国文化的人去传播与发扬中国文化, 获得奖学金的人也能从中收获成就感和动力。
Scholarship Aims
Established in a time when communication and understanding are needed more than ever, the Chinese Cultural Scholarship recognizes undergraduate students at UC Berkeley who demonstrate significant involvement and achievement in promoting Chinese culture in the United States. Students compete for the scholarship for a monetary award and a showcase for their achievements. We are sure that this scholarship will find the people who deserve it, and inspire more students to participate in Chinese cultural communication in the United States.
Target Audience
All students studying at Berkeley, regardless of their race and ethnicity.
Application Process 申请过程
Eligibility: Any registered student of the University of California, Berkeley with a good academic standing and has never been placed on academic probation.
Application Form
The First step is to complete the following online application. It includes:
1) Basic personal information 2) At least one activity or award relevant to the study of Chinese culture (MAX: 5)
3) An essay so that we can know your background and achievements better:
Why is Chinese culture important to you? Please describe the most impactful events that you have involved in and also how do you see yourself continuing to be involved in promoting Chinese culture? (MAX: 800 words)
* The length of the essay will NOT directly affect scholarship decision.
Coffee Chat (Optional)
Upon completion of the online application process, you are invited to join an optional coffee chat with one of BCSSA members. Besides being a bonding opportunity, it is also an excellent opportunity for you to discuss and get feedback for your ideas for video contest submission.
Though we hope to meet you, this is entirely optional. The BCSSA members you will meet are not involved in the video contest judging and skipping it will not adversely affect your application in any way.
Chinese Culture Video Contest
The last step is to participate in a video contest. Create a video about Chinese culture. All video submissions from candidates will be publicly viewable and all Berkeley students will be invited to vote on their favorite submission.
Application Timeline 申请时间
Before 3/10
Complete Application
3/10 – 3/20
First-round Decision Released
3/20 – 3/31
Optional Coffee Chat and Public Vote Warm Up
Coffee Chat 和 民选投票预热
3/31 – 4/10
Uploading Videos and Personal Intro
4/10 – 4/20
Public Voting Period
4/20 – 4/25
Ballots Counted and Decision Released
Selection Criteria 评选标准
Winner of the scholarship will be selected according to the following standard:
– 40% Chinese Culture Video Contest Public Votes 中国文化视频民选投票
– 60% Application Essay 申请文书
– 10% (Bonus) Optional coffee chat performance 与选委会的交流表现